If you want the directory where you're currently at, you can get that from %cd%
. That's your current working directory.
If you're going to be changing your current working directory during the script execution, just save it at the start:
set startdir=%cd%
then you can use %startdir%
in your code regardless of any changes later on (which affect %cd%
If you just want to get the last component of that path (as per your comment), you can use the following as a baseline:
@setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
@echo off
set startdir=%cd%
set temp=%startdir%
set folder=
if not "x%temp:~-1%"=="x" (
set folder=!temp:~-1!!folder!
set temp=!temp:~0,-1!
goto :loop
echo.startdir = %startdir%
echo.folder = %folder%
endlocal && set folder=%folder%
This outputs:
C:Documents and SettingsPax> testprog.cmd
startdir = C:Documents and SettingsPax
folder = Pax
It works by copying the characters from the end of the full path, one at a time, until it finds the
separator. It's neither pretty nor efficient, but Windows batch programming rarely is :-)
Actually, there is a simple and very efficient method to get the last component name.
for %%F in ("%cd%") do set "folder=%~nxF"
Not an issue for this situation, but if you are dealing with a variable containing a path that may or may not end with
, then you can guarantee the correct result by appending .
for %%F in ("%pathVar%.") do set "folder=%~nxF"