It's nice to see someone working with such weighty data.
Here's one kludgey and unsatisfying way:
digraph h {
node [shape=record,height=.08,fontsize=11];
zoo [label="zoo|<p0>|<p1>|<p2>|<p3>"];
node [width=3.5];
elk[label="elkl|I am an American Elkl",];
buffalo[label="buffalol|Just a buffalol|everywhere I gol|people know the part I'm playingl"];
moose[label="Bullwinkle J. Moosel|Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!l"];
zoo:p0->elk; zoo:p1 -> cow; zoo:p2 -> moose; zoo:p3 -> buffalo;
Give each box in that rank the same (empirically determined) width, then left-align the text using the weird l
"left-aligned linebreak".