I have a spreadsheet with information that I would like to use to create a calendar invite. Everything is running smoothly except for the inviting guest part. Currently when the calendar invite is created, my invitees email will show up as "commissioner1 = 'email'" or "commissioner 2 = 'email'" instead of just the email. The problem is that commissioner1, commissioner2, etc. becomes the key but I don't know how to get about this. Any suggestions?
// get spreadsheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('SHEET NAME');
// get the data from Google Sheet. The three numbers mean: current row, start with column one, end with column 6.
var data = sheet.getRange(sheet.getLastRow(),1,1,10).getValues();
// create variables
var eventLoca = 'https://notredame.zoom.us/j/7813564440 Meeting ID: 781 356 4440';
var startTime = data[0][0];
var endTime = data[0][1];
var commissioner1 = data[0][7];
var commissioner2 = data[0][8];
var commissioner3 = data[0][9];
var commissioner_dict = {}
if ("" == commissioner2){
commissioner_dict['key'] = commissioner1
else if("" == commissioner3){
commissioner_dict['key'] = [commissioner1,commissioner2]
commissioner_dict['key'] = [commissioner1,commissioner2,commissioner3]
// get calendar
var masterCal = CalendarApp.getCalendarById('CALENDAR_ID');
// add to calendar
masterCal.createEvent('Check In Meeting',
new Date(startTime),
new Date(endTime),
{location:eventLoca,description:'Meeting to check in before next semester',guests:commissioner_dict['key'],sendInvites:true});}
My columns in the spreadsheet are: startsTime,endTime,date,time,commissionerName1,commissionerName2,commissionerName3,commissionerEmail1,commissionerEmail2,commissionerEmail3