I cannot for the life of me figure out how to use Cumulants.jl to get moments or cumulants from some data. I find the docs (https://juliahub.com/docs/Cumulants/Vrq25/1.0.4/) completely over my head.
Suppose I have a vector of some data e.g.:
using Distributions
d = rand(Exponential(1), 1000)
The documentation suggests, so far as I can understand it, that cumulants(d, 3)
should return the first three cumulants. The function is defined like so:
cumulants(data::Matrix{T}, m::Int = 4, b::Int = 2) where T<: AbstractFloat
a Matrix in Julia is, so far as I understand, a 2D array. So I convert my data to a 2D array:
dm = reshape(d, length(d), 1)
But I get:
julia> cumulants(dm,3)
ERROR: DimensionMismatch("bad block size 2 > 1")
My question concisely: how do I use Cumulants.jl to get the first m
cumulants and the first m
moments from some simulated data?
EDIT: In the above example, c = cumulants(dm,3,1)
as suggested in a comment will give, for c
3-element Array{SymmetricTensors.SymmetricTensor{Float64,N} where N,1}:
SymmetricTensors.SymmetricTensor{Float64,1}(Union{Nothing, Array{Float64,1}}[[1.0122452678071678]], 1, 1, 1, true)
SymmetricTensors.SymmetricTensor{Float64,2}(Union{Nothing, Array{Float64,2}}[[1.0336298356976195]], 1, 1, 1, true)
SymmetricTensors.SymmetricTensor{Float64,3}(Union{Nothing, Array{Float64,3}}[[2.5438037582591146]], 1, 1, 1, true)
I find that I can access the first, second, and third cumulants by:
Which I arrived at essentially by guessing. I have no idea why this nutty output format exists. I still cannot figure out how to get the first m
cumulants as a vector easily.