I agree with @aix, multiprocessing
is definitely the way to go. Regardless you will be i/o bound -- you can only read so fast, no matter how many parallel processes you have running. But there can easily be some speedup.
Consider the following (input/ is a directory that contains several .txt files from Project Gutenberg).
import os.path
from multiprocessing import Pool
import sys
import time
def process_file(name):
''' Process one file: count number of lines and words '''
with open(name, 'r') as inp:
for line in inp:
wordcount+=len(line.split(' '))
return name, linecount, wordcount
def process_files_parallel(arg, dirname, names):
''' Process each file in parallel via Poll.map() '''
results=pool.map(process_file, [os.path.join(dirname, name) for name in names])
def process_files(arg, dirname, names):
''' Process each file in via map() '''
results=map(process_file, [os.path.join(dirname, name) for name in names])
if __name__ == '__main__':
os.path.walk('input/', process_files, None)
print "process_files()", time.time()-start
os.path.walk('input/', process_files_parallel, None)
print "process_files_parallel()", time.time()-start
When I run this on my dual core machine there is a noticeable (but not 2x) speedup:
$ python process_files.py
process_files() 1.71218085289
process_files_parallel() 1.28905105591
If the files are small enough to fit in memory, and you have lots of processing to be done that isn't i/o bound, then you should see even better improvement.