Just use a MultiBinding with the same property twice but have Mode=OneTime on one of the bindings. Like this:
Public Class MVCBackground
Implements IMultiValueConverter
Public Function Convert(ByVal values() As Object, ByVal targetType As System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements System.Windows.Data.IMultiValueConverter.Convert
Static unchanged As Brush = Brushes.Blue
Static changed As Brush = Brushes.Red
If values.Count = 2 Then
If values(0).Equals(values(1)) Then
Return unchanged
Return changed
End If
Return unchanged
End If
End Function
Public Function ConvertBack(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetTypes() As System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object() Implements System.Windows.Data.IMultiValueConverter.ConvertBack
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Function
End Class
And in the xaml:
<TextBox Text="{Binding TestText}">
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource BackgroundConverter}">
<Binding Path="TestText" />
<Binding Path="TestText" Mode="OneTime" />
No extra properties or logic required and you could probably wrap it all into your own markup extension. Hope that helps.