Here's a solution using R. Could be much refined, simply by making certain regions expensive or cheap for the shortest path algorithm. For example exclude the Artic Ocean, allow major rivers/canals, make known shipping routes preferred for travel.
# make a raster of the world, low resolution for simplicity
# with all land having "NA" value
# use your own shapefile or raster if you have it
# the wrld_simpl data set is from maptools package
# a typical world projection
world_crs <- crs(wrld_simpl)
world <- wrld_simpl
worldshp <- spTransform(world, world_crs)
ras <- raster(nrow=300, ncol=300)
# rasterize will set ocean to NA so we just inverse it
# and set water to "1"
# land is equal to zero because it is "NOT" NA
worldmask <- rasterize(worldshp, ras)
worldras <-
# originally I set land to "NA"
# but that would make some ports impossible to visit
# so at 999 land (ie everything that was zero)
# becomes very expensive to cross but not "impossible"
worldras[worldras==0] <- 999
# each cell antras now has value of zero or 999, nothing else
# create a Transition object from the raster
# this calculation took a bit of time
tr <- transition(worldras, function(x) 1/mean(x), 16)
tr = geoCorrection(tr, scl=FALSE)
# distance matrix excluding the land, must be calculated
# from a point of origin, specified in the CRS of your raster
# let's start with latlong in Black Sea as a challenging route
port_origin <- structure(c(30, 40), .Dim = 1:2)
port_origin <- project(port_origin, crs(world_crs, asText = TRUE))
# function accCost uses the transition object and point of origin
A <- accCost(tr, port_origin)
# now A still shows the expensive travel over land
# so we mask it out to display sea travel only
A <- mask(A, worldmask, inverse=TRUE)
# and calculation of a travel path, let's say to South Africa
port_destination <- structure(c(20, -35), .Dim = 1:2)
port_destination <- project(port_destination, crs(world_crs, asText = TRUE))
path <- shortestPath(tr, port_origin, port_destination, output = "SpatialLines")
# make a demonstration plot
points(rbind(port_origin, port_destination))
# we can wrap all this in a customized function
# if you two points in the projected coordinate system,
# and a raster whose cells are weighted
# according to ease of shipping
RouteShip <- function(from_port, to_port, cost_raster, land_mask) {
tr <- transition(cost_raster, function(x) 1/mean(x), 16)
tr = geoCorrection(tr, scl=FALSE)
A <- accCost(tr, from_port)
A <- mask(A, land_mask, inverse=TRUE)
path <- shortestPath(tr, from_port, to_port, output = "SpatialLines")
points(rbind(from_port, to_port))
RouteShip(port_origin, port_destination, worldras, worldmask)