Use $in with the match being case insensitive:
Data example:
name : "...Event A",
fieldX : "aAa"
name : "...Event B",
fieldX : "Bab"
name : "...Event C",
fieldX : "ccC"
name : "...Event D",
fieldX : "dDd"
And we want documents were "fieldX" is contained in any value of the array (optValues):
var optValues = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'ddd'];
var optRegexp = [];
optRegexp.push( new RegExp(opt, "i") );
db.collection.find( { fieldX: { $in: optRegexp } } );
This works for $all either.
I hope this helps!
p.s.: This was my solution to search by tags in a web application.