The objective is to display the Three.Mesh name as a label while hovering the mouse over the mesh. How we can do this in Three.js
Can someone give a sample code ?
Challenge accepted!
Working code example at:
There appear to be three major steps to this goal, each of which I have broken into smaller example programs.
(1) Determine which scene element the mouse is pointed over. See:
(2) Render the text you want to display as an image (I used a canvas element for this). See:
(3) Draw a sprite containing the image from part (2) at the location of the mouse pointer. See:
All these examples (and more) are part of my growing collection of introductory examples (with detailed comments) at , in which I am trying to showcase the possibilities of Three.js in a series of minimal examples.
Also, credit where it's due: parts (1) and (3) are based on some of MrDoob's examples on his github page, specifically the interactive cubes example:
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