Why not? The only problem to me, is the User Interface - how you send out the error message elegantly to the user.
On another note, your function might not work properly as you did not intake a proper birthday (you are using a fixed birthday). You should change 'March 23, 1988' to $then
//Validate for users over 18 only
function validateAge($then, $min)
// $then will first be a string-date
$then = strtotime($then);
//The age to be over, over +18
$min = strtotime('+18 years', $then);
echo $min;
if(time() < $min) {
die('Not 18');
Or you can:
// validate birthday
function validateAge($birthday, $age = 18)
// $birthday can be UNIX_TIMESTAMP or just a string-date.
if(is_string($birthday)) {
$birthday = strtotime($birthday);
// check
// 31536000 is the number of seconds in a 365 days year.
if(time() - $birthday < $age * 31536000) {
return false;
return true;