For situations like your status table, I create what I call "static" data sets. These tables contain data that
- Is set and defined upon creation,
- Never ever changes, and
- Is ALWAYS the same, from database instance to database instance, with no exceptions
That is, at the same time you create the table, you populate it as well, using a script to ensure that the values are always the same. Thereafter, no matter what where or when the database, you will know what the values are, and can hard-code accordingly and appropriately. (I would never use surrogate keys or the identity column property in these situations.)
You do not have to use numbers, you can use strings -- or binaries or dates, or whatever is simplest, easiest, and most appropriate. (When I can, I use char strings--and not varchars--such as "RCVD", "DLVR", ACKN", and so forth are easier hard-coded values than, say, 0, 2, and 3.)
This system works for non-extensible sets of values. If these values can be modified (such that 0 no longer means "acknowledged", then you have a security access problem. If you have a system where new codes can be added by users, then you have a different and tricky design issue to resolve.