To expand and Scala-fy nealmcb's answer (the question was tagged scala, not python, so I don't think this answer will be off-topic or redundant), suppose you have a DataFrame:
import org.apache.spark.sql
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq.fill(100) { scala.util.Random.nextInt() }).toDF("randInt")
And some way to get the max or whatever you want to memoize on the DataFrame:
val randIntMax = { case sql.Row(randInt: Int) => randInt }.reduce(math.max)
can only hold strings, booleans, some types of numbers, and other metadata structures. So we have to use a Long:
val metadata = new sql.types.MetadataBuilder().putLong("columnMax", randIntMax).build()
DataFrame.withColumn() actually has an overload that permits supplying a metadata argument at the end, but it's inexplicably marked [private], so we just do what it does — use, metadata)
val newColumn = df.col("randInt").as("randInt_withMax", metadata)
val dfWithMax = df.withColumn("randInt_withMax", newColumn)
now has (a column with) the metadata you want!
dfWithMax.schema.foreach(field => println(s"${}: metadata=${field.metadata}"))
> randInt: metadata={}
> randInt_withMax: metadata={"columnMax":2094414111}
Or programmatically and type-safely (sort of; Metadata.getLong() and others do not return Option and may throw a "key not found" exception):
> res29: Long = 209341992
Attaching the max to a column makes sense in your case, but in the general case of attaching metadata to a DataFrame and not a column in particular, it appears you'd have to take the wrapper route described by the other answers.