This is probably a simple resolution but after a number of days I can't fix this problem or get my BDD cypress step definition file to run.
I created a feature for the following scenario:
Feature: Add items to shopping cart and add delivery address
using cypress and BDD we are going to add a number of items to shopping basket and checkout
Scenario: Ecommerce Product delivery
Given I am on the Ecommerce page
When I add mobile phones to the shopping cart
And I validate the total price in cart
Then I add my chosen delivery country and verify a thank you message
This is the step definition file:
/// <reference types="Cypress" />
import HomePage from '../../support/pageOjbects/HomePage'
import ProductPage from '../../support/pageOjbects/ProductPage'
import CheckoutOrderPage from '../../support/pageOjbects/CheckOrderPage'
import { Given,When,Then,And } from "cypress-cucumber-preprocessor/steps";
const homePage= new HomePage()
const productPage = new ProductPage()
Given ( 'I am on the Ecommerce page', () => {
//add your page objects selector here
When('I add mobile phones to the shopping cart', function() {
//add code
homePage.getShopTab().click()//find the SHOP selector and click on it {//place the data from the data.json file and place in the forEach this loop
cy.selectProduct(element) //using the customised command add the shopping items to the cart.
And( 'I validate the total price in cart', () =>{
//add code here
var sum=0//start calculation of shopping cart total
//Add total cost in shopping cart of item in shopping cart
cy.get('tr td:nth-child(4) strong') .each(($e1, index, $list) =>{//to calculate items in an array with javascript
const unitCost=$e1.text() //find text
var res= unitCost.split(" ") //split text from the currency sign
res= res[1].trim() //remove any white spaces
sum=Number(sum)+Number(res)//convert into a Integer number
}).then(function()//stop us giving the result BEFORE calculating we will add a promise
cy.log(sum)//End calculation of shopping cart total
cy.get('h3 strong').then(function(element)
const shopCartTotal=element.text() //find text
var res= shopCartTotal.split(" ") //split from the currency sign
var total= res[1].trim()//remove any white spaces
expect(Number(total)).to.equal(sum)//assertion to state total in cart and calculation is correct.
})//end of step
Then('I add my chosen delivery country and verify a thank you message',() =>{
// Add code for step
cy.get('#country').type('United Kingdom')
cy.get(' .suggestions > ul > li > a').click()
cy.get('#checkbox2').click({force: true})
//cy.get('.alert').should('have.text','Success! Thank you! Your order will be delivered in next few weeks :-).')
//How confirm a text element exists
const actualText= element.text()
})//end of promise
})//end of step def
I keep getting the following message from the terminal
Error: Can't walk dependency graph: Cannot find module '../../../../support/pageOjbects/HomePage' from '/Users/MYNAME/Documents/CYPRESSProjects/cypress/integration/BDD/ecommerce'
required by /Users/MYNAME/Documents/CYPRESSProjects/cypress/integration/BDD/ecommerce/ecommerceStepDef.js
This occurred while Cypress was compiling and bundling your test code. This is usually caused by:
- A missing file or dependency
- A syntax error in the file or one of its dependencies
Fix the error in your code and re-run your tests.
There seems to an issues in this area here and I have no idea what I did wrong or how to fix it:
I will also add where the page object files are located in the integration folder if this helps me to solve this problem.