How to copy Mysql database from one Computer to another / backup database using mysqldump
We can transfer a MySQL database from one PC to another PC using
mysqldump command.
We have to create dump file of database to transfer database from
one PC to another PC.
MySQL database is not portable database i.e. we cannot transfer it
from one PC to another PC by copying and pasting it.
We can use following method to transfer database.
Creating a dumpfile from database/ Taking backup of MySQL database:
Open command prompt.
Execute following commands to change directory
>c: “press enter”
>cd program files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.1/ bin “press enter”
>mysqldump -u root -p database_name > database_name.sql “press enter”
Enter password: password of MySQL
Copy sql file and paste it in PC where you want to transfer database.
2. Dumping sql file into database:-
- Open MySQL command line client command prompt.
- Execute following command to create database.
create database database_name;
“press enter” Database name is must as that of your database_name.
Copy that sql file into location “c:/program files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.1/bin”
*- Now open command prompt and execute following commands.*
>C: “press enter”
>cd program files/MySQL/MySQL Server5.1/bin “press enter”
>mysql –u root –p database_name < database_name.sql “press enter”
Your database is created on PC.
Now in MySQL command prompt check your database.
Another one:1
This best and the easy way is to use a db tools(SQLyog)
With this tools you can connect the 2 databases servers and just copy one database on server a to server b.
For more info
Another one:2
For a database named "lbry", try this:
mysqldump -u root -p lbry > dump-lbry.sql
Create a database of the same name ("lbry" in this example) on the computer to which you wish to copy the database contents
Then import it:
mysql -u root -p lbry < dump-lbry.sql