That's possible with a custom UIComponent
. My fellow colleague has written a blog article about this a year ago: Facelets and legacy JSP.
It's some code, but the principle is easy, the component does a RequestDispatcher#include()
with a custom HttpServletResponseWrapper
which captures the written output and then writes it to the body of the JSF component. Here are extracts of relevance:
Create class com.example.component.JspIncludeComponent
public class JSPIncludeComponent extends UIComponentBase {
public String getFamily() {
return "components.jsp.include";
public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException {
try {
ExternalContext externalContext = context.getExternalContext();
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) externalContext.getRequest();
HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) externalContext.getResponse();
// Create dispatcher for the resource given by the componen's page attribute.
RequestDispatcher requestDispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher((String) getAttributes().get("page"));
// Catch the resource's output.
CharResponseWrapper responseWrapper = new CharResponseWrapper(response);
requestDispatcher.include(request, responseWrapper);
// Write the output from the resource to the JSF response writer.
catch (ServletException e) {
throw new IOException();
Create class com.example.CharResponseWrapper
public class CharResponseWrapper extends HttpServletResponseWrapper {
private CharArrayWriter output;
public String toString() {
return output.toString();
public CharResponseWrapper(HttpServletResponse response) {
output = new CharArrayWriter();
public CharArrayWriter getCharWriter() {
return output;
public PrintWriter getWriter() {
return new PrintWriter(output);
public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream() {
return new CharOutputStream(output);
public InputStream getInputStream() {
return new ByteArrayInputStream( toString().getBytes() );
class CharOutputStream extends ServletOutputStream {
private Writer output;
public CharOutputStream( Writer writer ) {
output = writer;
public void write(int b) throws IOException {
Add in faces-config.xml
Create file my.taglib.xml
(Facelet taglib) in the WEB-INF folder
<!DOCTYPE facelet-taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Facelet Taglib 1.0//EN" "">
Add to web.xml
(as explained in
This way you can use it as
<my:include page="page.jsp" />
Last but not least, mark his last words
I wouldn’t recommend using this as a lasting solution, but it might ease a migration from legacy JSP with smelly scriptlets and all on them to a more sane and modern Facelets application.