import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vectors,Vector,Matrix,SingularValueDecomposition,DenseMatrix,DenseVector}
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.RowMatrix
def computeInverse(X: RowMatrix): DenseMatrix = {
val nCoef = X.numCols.toInt
val svd = X.computeSVD(nCoef, computeU = true)
if (svd.s.size < nCoef) {
sys.error(s"RowMatrix.computeInverse called on singular matrix.")
// Create the inv diagonal matrix from S
val invS = DenseMatrix.diag(new DenseVector( => math.pow(x,-1))))
// U cannot be a RowMatrix
val U = new DenseMatrix(svd.U.numRows().toInt,svd.U.numCols().toInt,svd.U.rows.collect.flatMap(x => x.toArray))
// If you could make V distributed, then this may be better. However its alreadly maybe this is fine.
val V = svd.V
// inv(X) = V*inv(S)*transpose(U) --- the U is already transposed.