I am new to matter-js and am attempting to build a simple game using react native, react native game engine, and matter-js.
The game is circles appear on screen and they are growing. The user needs to pop them before they touch one another. I have the bubbles growing and built my own collision detection method. However, it does not work perfectly and the bubbles will overlap a little or just barely not touch and the collision detection will trigger. I saw that Matter-js has a built in collision detection for bodies but I can not figure out how to get it to work, the code is below:
When the bubbles grow and collide I would think it would trigger the startCollision
callback in createWorld.
Thank you everyone in advanced.
Render Game Engine
return (<GameEngine style={styles.container}
ref={(ref) => {
this.GAME_ENGINE = ref;
systems={[Physics, this.AddCircles, this.PopBubble, this.GrowCircles, this.CheckCollision]}
Create World and start off with 0 circles.
createWorld = () => {
const engine = Matter.Engine.create({enableSleeping: false});
const world = engine.world;
Matter.World.add(world, []);
Matter.Events.on(engine, 'collisionStart', (event) => {
let pairs = event.pairs;
this.GAME_ENGINE.dispatch({type: "game-over"});
console.log("Collision", pairs);
return {
physics: {
engine: engine,
world: world
Add Circles
AddCircles = (entities: any, {touches, screen, layout, time}: any) => {
if (!this.canAddNewCircle(time)) {
return entities;
let available = false;
let ranX = Math.round((Math.random() * screen.width * .8) + (screen.width * .1) - this.BOX_SIZE);
let ranY = Math.round((Math.random() * screen.height * .8) + (screen.height * .1) - this.BOX_SIZE);
// Attempted to use isSensor, still does not work.
const body = Matter.Bodies.circle(ranX, ranY, this.BOX_SIZE, {isStatic: true, isSensor: true});
const id = `circle-${Math.random() * 1000}`;
entities[id] = {
body: body,
originalX: ranX,
originalY: ranY,
size: [this.BOX_SIZE, this.BOX_SIZE],
color: this.circleIdSet.size % 2 == 0 ? "pink" : "#B8E986",
renderer: Bubble
Matter.World.addBody(entities.physics.world, body);
this.setState({timeSinceLastCircleAdd: time.current});
return entities;
Grow Circles
GrowCircles = (entities: any, {touches, screen, layout, time}: any) => {
let circle;
this.circleIdSet.forEach((key: any) => {
circle = entities[key];
Matter.Body.set(circle.body, "circleRadius", circle.body.circleRadius + .2)
Matter.Body.setPosition(circle.body, {
x: circle.originalX - circle.body.circleRadius,
y: circle.originalY - circle.body.circleRadius
return entities;