In general, there are many cases when you would prefer curly braces (e.g. multiline expressions, for comprehensions), but let's talk specifically about
when it's written on a single line, is there any inherent reason to use one over the other
In a second case it's not just curly braces, instead of parentheses, it's curly braces with ommited parentheses. Scala allows you to ommit parenthesis sometimes, and the later syntax is used to access to the niceties you got in partial functions (namely, pattern matching), so
lst foreach {x => println(s"you get the idea, $x")}
is actually
lst foreach({x => println(s"you get the idea, $x")})
which, as I said, can be useful from pattern matching POV:
val map = Map("foo" -> "bar")
map foreach { case (k, v) => println(s"key: $k, value: $v") }
// which is not possible with the usual parenthesis