It's very easy to do, actually. This code allows abbreviated option names, flag options (-quxwoo
in the example) and the ability to stop reading options either with a --
token or with a non-option argument appearing. In the example, unknown option names raise errors. After passing the option-parsing loop, args
contains the remaining command-line arguments (not including the --
token if it was used).
proc foo args {
array set options {-bargle {} -bazout vampires -quxwoo 0}
while {[llength $args]} {
switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] {
-bar* {set args [lassign $args - options(-bargle)]}
-baz* {set args [lassign $args - options(-bazout)]}
-qux* {set options(-quxwoo) 1 ; set args [lrange $args 1 end]}
-- {set args [lrange $args 1 end] ; break}
-* {error "unknown option [lindex $args 0]"}
default break
puts "options: [array get options]"
puts "other args: $args"
foo -barg 94 -quxwoo -- abc def
# => options: -quxwoo 1 -bazout vampires -bargle 94
# => other args: abc def
This is how it works. First set default values for the options:
array set options {-bargle {} -bazout vampires -quxwoo 0}
Then enter a loop that processes the arguments, if there are any (left).
while {[llength $args]} {
During each iteration, look at the first element in the argument list:
switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] {
String-match ("glob") matching is used to make it possible to have abbreviated option names.
If a value option is found, use lassign
to copy the value to the corresponding member of the options
array and to remove the first two elements in the argument list.
-bar* {set args [lassign $args - options(-bargle)]}
If a flag option is found, set the corresponding member of the options
array to 1 and remove the first element in the argument list.
-qux* {set options(-quxwoo) 1 ; set args [lrange $args 1 end]}
If the special --
token is found, remove it from the argument list and exit the option-processing loop.
-- {set args [lrange $args 1 end] ; break}
If an option name is found that hasn't already been dealt with, raise an error.
-* {error "unknown option [lindex $args 0]"}
If the first argument doesn't match any of the above, we seem to have run out of option arguments: just exit the loop.
default break
Documentation: array, break, error, lassign, lindex, llength, proc, puts, set, switch, while