I need to join two queries and get all the columns from both, but the returned object only contains the columns from the left query.
and get_list_best_promotions
work perfectly, my problem is with get_list_best_prices_and_promotions
which joins both queries.
returns the row with the lowest price
for each ean
in the list eans
. This is my left query/table.
returns the row with the lowest promotion_price
for each ean
in the list eans
. This is my right query/table.
is supposed to join the above two, so I get best price
and best promotion_price
class Item(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
ean = db.Column(db.BigInteger, index=True, nullable=False)
name = db.Column(db.String(256))
url = db.Column(db.String(256))
price = db.Column(db.Float)
promotion_price = db.Column(db.Float)
def get_list_best_prices(cls, eans, prefix=''):
subq = db.session.query(cls.ean, func.min(cls.price).label('min_price')).filter(cls.ean.in_(eans)).group_by(cls.ean).subquery()
query = db.session.query(cls).join(subq, and_(cls.ean == subq.c.ean, cls.price == subq.c.min_price))
query = db.session.query(cls.ean.label(prefix + 'ean'), cls.url.label(prefix + 'url'), cls.price.label(prefix + 'price'), ).join(subq, and_(cls.ean == subq.c.ean, cls.price == subq.c.min_price))
return query
def get_list_best_promotions(cls, eans, prefix=''):
subq = db.session.query(cls.ean, func.min(cls.promotion_price).label('min_promotion_price')).filter(cls.ean.in_(eans)).group_by(cls.ean).subquery()
query = db.session.query(cls.ean.label(prefix + 'ean'), cls.url.label(prefix + 'url'), cls.promotion_price.label(prefix + 'promotion_price')).join(subq, and_(cls.ean == subq.c.ean, cls.promotion_price == subq.c.min_promotion_price))
return query
def get_list_best_prices_and_promotions(cls, eans):
prices = cls.get_list_best_prices(eans, prefix='pp_')
alias_item_2 = aliased(Item, name='t2')
subq_promotions = alias_item_2.get_list_best_promotions(eans, prefix='p_').subquery()
results = prices.outerjoin(subq_promotions, and_(subq_promotions.columns.p_ean == cls.ean))
return results