The <>
operator defines a relation between a Row
in the Table
and a case class
case class User(id: Option[Int], first: String, last: String)
ROW |id | first | last |
So the data first is taken out of the Tabels as an n-tuple
(left side of <>
) and then transformed to the case class
(right side of <>
To make the transformation of the case class work one needs two kinds of methods:
to n-tuple
to case class
scala> User.tupled
res6: ((Option[Int], String, String)) => User = <function1>
So this function can create a User
when given a triple (Option[Int], String, String)
as an argument.
case class
to n-tuple
to be written in DB.
scala> User.unapply _
res7: User => Option[(Option[Int], String, String)] = <function1>
This function provides the functionality with the other way round. Given a user it can extract a triple. This pattern is called an Extractor
. Here you can learn more about this: