This is a long studied topic. While you can implicitly derive parallelism in Haskell code, the problem is that there is too much parallelism, at too fine a grain, for current hardware.
So you end up spending effort on book keeping, not running things faster.
Since we don't have infinite parallel hardware, it is all about picking the right granularity -- too
coarse and there will be idle processors, too ?ne and the overheads
will be unacceptable.
What we have is more coarse grained parallelism (sparks) suitable for generating thousands or millions of parallel tasks (so not at the instruction level), which map down onto the mere handful of cores we typically have available today.
Note that for some subsets (e.g. array processing) there are fully automatic parallelization libraries with tight cost models.
For background on this see Feedback Directed Implicit Parallelism, where they introduce an automated approach to the insertion of par
in arbitrary Haskell programs.