how return more then 1 level of callers in lua?
something like in Forth when your drop 1 value from stack of returns?
(function(result,base)if not base then return nil end
for rec in (function(rst) if not rst then return pairs({}) end
return rst.Records end)(base.RecordSet) do
result[#result+1]= {
Type = rec:GetValue(5),
LegName = rec:GetValue(10),
PickName = rec:GetValue(11),
FlagHierarch = tonumber(rec:GetValue(30)),
Rules = (function(result,input)
for i,p in ipairs(input) do
result[i] = table.unserialize(p)
end return result end)({},rec:GetValue(20, 0))
end return result end)(arrSimpleConv or {},CroApp.GetBank():GetVocabulary():GetBase("XX"))