My second day coding java/groovy
so bare with me :)
In short, I'm trying to replace "
with \"
string = string.replaceAll()
I've tried with any number of backslashes, and as I expect with 0-1 backslashes it catches any "
in the string, but so it does also with two or three.
With four I can match \\"
, again as I'd expect. Why is this and what's the solution?
My actual aim is to parse merge request changes, where the diff field has the raw version with "
which causes problems with JsonSlurper
. I managed to deal with linebreaks using
string = string.replaceAll(/\
/, /\\
but with quotation mark the same approach just doesn't seem to work.
Thanks for help.
For extra clarity
teststring = ' Zero " One " Two \" '
I haven't been able to change case One without also changing Zero. Case two is handled by 4 backslashes.