How to dynamically build HTML links with query string?
If you need to create query string to be used in HTML link (e.g. <a href="index.php?param1='.$value.'">Link</a>
) then you should use http_build_query
This function accepts 4 parameters, with the first one being an array/object of query data. For the most part the other 3 parameters are irrelevant.
$qs = [
'a' => 'a',
'quot;' => 'bar foo',
echo '<a href="?' . http_build_query($qs) . '">Link</a>';
However, you should still pass the output of the function through htmlspecialchars
to encode the &
correctly. "A good framework will do this automatically, like Laravel's {{ }}"
echo '<a href="?' . htmlspecialchars(http_build_query($qs)) . '">Link</a>';
Alternatively you can pass the third argument to http_build_query
as '&'
, leaving the second one null
. This will use &
instead of &
which is what htmlspecialchars
would do.
About spaces.
For use in form data (i.e. query strings) the space should be encoded as +
and in any other place it should be encoded as %20
e.g. new%20page.php?my+field=my+val
. This is to ensure backwards comparability with all browsers. You can use the newer RFC3986 which will encode the spaces as %20
and it will work in all common browsers as well as be up to date with modern standards.
echo '<a href="?' . http_build_query($qs, null, '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986) . '">Link</a>';
vs urlencode
For any part of URL before ?
you should use rawurlencode
. For example:
$subdir = rawurlencode('blue+light blue');
echo '<a href="'.$subdir.'/index.php">rawurlencode</a>';
If in the above example you used urlencode
the link would be broken. urlencode
has very limited use and should be avoided.
Do not pass whole URL through rawurlencode
. Separators /
and other special characters in URL should not be encoded if they are to fulfil their function.
There is no general agreement on the best practices for using http_build_query
, other than the fact it should be passed through htmlspecialchars
just like any other output in HTML context.
Laravel uses http_build_query($array, null, '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986)
CodeIgniter uses http_build_query($query)
Symfony uses http_build_query($extra, '', '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986)
Slim uses http_build_query($queryParams)
CakePHP uses http_build_query($query)
Twig uses http_build_query($url, '', '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986)