I'm using vuelidate to validate a form in VUE build. I have a phone number input that needs to be formatted as 222-222-2222 which I have setup using a phone mask. My issue is now the input will not validate when the phone is filled in. My error message is still displayed. Is there a way to allow for numbers only along with a dash "-"???
<div class="form-field">
<label for="phone">
Phone Number
<input type="text" class="form-input text-input" name="phone" id="phone" @input="phoneNumberMask()"
<label v-if="($v.formData.phone.$dirty && !$v.formData.phone.required)
|| ($v.formData.phone.$dirty && !$v.formData.phone.numeric)
|| ($v.formData.phone.$dirty && !$v.formData.phone.minLength)
|| ($v.formData.phone.$dirty && !$v.formData.phone.maxLength)" class="error">
Please enter a valid phone number.
validations: {
formData: {
phone: {
minLength: minLength(12),
maxLength: maxLength(12)
methods: {
const x = this.formData.phone.replace(/D/g, '').match(/(d{0,3})(d{0,3})(d{0,4})/);
this.formData.phone = !x[2] ? x[1] : x[1] + '-' + x[2] + (x[3] ? '-' + x[3] : '');