How can I plot (a 3D plot) a matrix in Gnuplot having such data structure, using the first row and column as a x and y ticks (the first number of the first row is the number of columns) ?
4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1 -6.20 -6.35 -6.59 -6.02 2 -6.39 -6.52 -6.31 -6.00 3 -6.36 -6.48 -6.15 -5.90 4 -5.79 -5.91 -5.87 -5.46
Exactly this data format can be read in with matrix nonuniform:
matrix nonuniform
set view 50,20 set ticslevel 0 splot 'data.txt' matrix nonuniform with lines t ''
This generates the correct tics, like specified in the data file:
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