git Bash cmd error is showing in my terminal when I opened it. Please provide the necessary actions to solve it
If none of the suggestions in "Cygwin/Git error cygheap base mismatch detected" are working, a good test is to reference Git in a simplified PATH.
set G=c:patholatestgit set PATH=%G%in;%G%usrin;%G%mingw64in set PATH=%PATH%;C:windowssystem32;C:windowsSystem32Wbem;C:windowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0
Make sure to reference in 'G' the latest Git you can extract anywhere you want: PortableGit-2.16.2-64-bit.7z.exe, assuming you are on a Windows 64 bits.
Then, in that CMD session, try git bash again.
git bash
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