It's preserved in the variable, but you need to use delayed expansion.
When you used percent expansion in delayed expansion mode the variable will be expanded and the content, especially the exclamation marks will be parsed will be parsed also later, and a single exclamation mark will simply removed.
echo off
set testvar="C:WindowsTestOfIllegals[!]"
echo Pre-EnableDE: %testvar%
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
echo Post-EnableDE: !testvar!
Setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
echo ssetlocal sub-instance...
echo TestVar after re-disableDE: %testvar%
set modTestVar=%testvar%
echo TestVar to new var, modTestVar: %modTestVar%
endlocal & set "RetVar2=%modTestVar%"
echo modTestVar back in main script: !RetVar2!
Setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
echo modTestVar, main script in another setlocal diasbleDE instance: %RetVar2%
The other/only problem is when you try to transfer a variable over an endlocal barrier (like endlocal & set "RetVar2=%modTestVar%"
This is not trivial.
This is a batch macro for this, used like this
%endlocal% modTestVar
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set LF=^
set ^"
%= I use EDE for EnableDelayeExpansion and DDE for DisableDelayedExpansion =%
set ^"endlocal=for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 (%
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion%
%= Take all variable names into the varName array =%%
set varName_count=0%
for %%C in (!args!) do set "varName[!varName_count!]=%%~C" ^& set /a varName_count+=1%
%= Build one variable with a list of set statements for each variable delimited by newlines =%%
%= The lists looks like --> set result1=myContent
"set result1=myContent1"
set result2=content2
set result2=content2
%= Each result exists two times, the first for the case returning to DDE, the second for EDE =%%
%= The correct line will be detected by the (missing) enclosing quotes =%%
set "retContent=1!LF!"%
for /L %%n in (0 1 !varName_count!) do (%
for /F "delims=" %%C in ("!varName[%%n]!") DO (%
set "content=!%%C!"%
set "retContent=!retContent!"set !varName[%%n]!=!content!"!LF!"%
if defined content (%
%= This complex block is only for replacing '!' with '^!' =%%
%= First replacing '"'->'""q' '^'->'^^' =%%
set ^"content_EDE=!content:"=""q!"%
set "content_EDE=!content_EDE:^=^^!"%
%= Now it's poosible to use CALL SET and replace '!'->'""e!' =%%
call set "content_EDE=%%content_EDE:^!=""e^!%%"%
%= Now it's possible to replace '""e' to '^', this is effectivly '!' -> '^!' =%%
set "content_EDE=!content_EDE:""e=^!"%
%= Now restore the quotes =%%
set ^"content_EDE=!content_EDE:""q="!"%
) ELSE set "content_EDE="%
set "retContent=!retContent!set "!varName[%%n]!=!content_EDE!"!LF!"%
%= Now return all variables from retContent over the barrier =%%
for /F "delims=" %%V in ("!retContent!") DO (%
%= Only the first line can contain a single 1 =%%
if "%%V"=="1" (%
%= We need to call endlocal twice, as there is one more setlocal in the macro itself =%%
) ELSE (%
%= This is true in EDE =%%
if "!"=="" (%
if %%V==%%~V (%
%%V !%
) ELSE IF not %%V==%%~V (%
) else set args="