Clearly you need an onEdit trigger that will run some code whenever you change the value of particular cells in a specific sheet.
The following script:
Will be activated when you edit a cell in any column except for A
(which contains the starting value).
It will calculate the percentage difference based on this formula:
It will return the desired expression back to the edited cell.
Updated Solution:
function onEdit(e) {
const as = e.source.getActiveSheet(); // get active sheet
const rng = e.range;
const row = rng.getRow(); // get edited row
const col = rng.getColumn(); // get edited column
const new_val = rng.getValue(); // get new value
if (as.getName() == "Sheet1" && col > 1 && row > 1){
let old_val = as.getRange(row,col-1).getValue();
old_val = parseInt(old_val.substr(0, old_val.indexOf(' (')));
let c = Math.round(100*(new_val-old_val)/old_val);
rng.setValue(`${new_val} (${c}%)`);
How to use it:
Copy and Paste the code to the script editor. Click on save and then the script will be activated upon edits on "Sheet1" ( remember to change the name in the code to the name of your sheet), and on columns B onwards. You must not execute manually this function, this is a trigger function and it is executed by itself.