I want to write a code to switch between threads every 10 microseconds.
But the problem is in the yield function. I get an interrupt while running the timer handler. So it doesn't finish properly.
This is the code I have for initializing the timer:
signal(SIGALRM, &time_handler);
struct itimerval t1;
t1.it_interval.tv_sec = INTERVAL_SEC;
t1.it_interval.tv_usec = INTERVAL_USEC;
t1.it_value.tv_sec = INTERVAL_SEC;
t1.it_value.tv_usec = INTERVAL_USEC;
setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &t1, NULL);
And this is the code for the handler function:
void time_handler(int signo)
write(STDOUT_FILENO, "interrupt
", sizeof("interrupt
And this is what I do in the yield function: a queue from which we get the thread to run next. The problem is at any moment before I swap context between threads, I can get an interrupt. Especially because I swap the context at the end of this function.
int green_yield(){
green_t *susp = running ;
// add susp to ready queue
// ===========================
enQueue(ready_queue, susp);
// ===========================
// select the next thread for execution
// ===========================
green_t * next = deQueue(ready_queue);
running = next;
// ===========================
// save current state into susp->context and switch to next->context
// ===========================
swapcontext(susp->context, next->context);
return 0;}
What can I do to make sure that I first complete the yield function and then get the interrupt?