This likely doesn't work with start
, as that starts a new window, but to answer your question:
If the command returns a error level you can check the following ways
By Specific Error Level
if %errorlevel%==131 echo do something
By If Any Error
commandhere || echo what to do if error level ISN'T 0
By If No Error
commandhere && echo what to do if error level IS 0
If it does not return a error level but does give output, you can catch it in a variable and determine by the output, example (note the tokens and delims are just examples and would likely fail with any special characters)
By Parsing Full Output
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in ('somecommand') do set output=%%a
if %output%==whateveritwouldsayinerror echo error
Or you could just look for a single phrase in the output like the word Error
By Checking For String
commandhere | find "Error" || echo There was no error!
commandhere | find "Error" && echo There was an error!
And you could even mix together (just remember to escape |
with ^|
if in a for
Hope this helps.