The example below uses react hook useEffect.
Working example here
import React, { useRef, useLayoutEffect, useState } from "react";
const ComponentWithDimensions = props => {
const targetRef = useRef();
const [dimensions, setDimensions] = useState({ width:0, height: 0 });
useLayoutEffect(() => {
if (targetRef.current) {
width: targetRef.current.offsetWidth,
height: targetRef.current.offsetHeight
}, []);
return (
<div ref={targetRef}>
export default ComponentWithDimensions;
Some Caveats
useEffect will not be able to detect it's own influence to width and height
For example if you change the state hook without specifying initial values (eg const [dimensions, setDimensions] = useState({});
), the height would read as zero when rendered because
- no explicit height was set on the component via css
- only content drawn before useEffect can be used to measure width and height
- The only component contents are p tags with the height and width variables, when empty will give the component a height of zero
- useEffect will not fire again after setting the new state variables.
This is probably not an issue in most use cases, but I thought I would include it because it has implications for window resizing.
Window Resizing
I also think there are some unexplored implications in the original question. I ran into the issue of window resizing for dynamically drawn components such as charts.
I'm including this answer even though it wasn't specified because
- It's fair to assume that if the dimensions are needed by the application, they will probably be needed on window resize.
- Only changes to state or props will cause a redraw, so a window resize listener is also needed to monitor changes to the dimensions
- There's a performance hit if you redraw the component on every window resize event with more complex components. I found
introducing setTimeout and clearInterval helped. My component
included a chart, so my CPU spiked and the browser started to crawl.
The solution below fixed this for me.
code below, working example here
import React, { useRef, useLayoutEffect, useState } from 'react';
const ComponentWithDimensions = (props) => {
const targetRef = useRef();
const [dimensions, setDimensions] = useState({});
// holds the timer for setTimeout and clearInterval
let movement_timer = null;
// the number of ms the window size must stay the same size before the
// dimension state variable is reset
const RESET_TIMEOUT = 100;
const test_dimensions = () => {
// For some reason targetRef.current.getBoundingClientRect was not available
// I found this worked for me, but unfortunately I can't find the
// documentation to explain this experience
if (targetRef.current) {
width: targetRef.current.offsetWidth,
height: targetRef.current.offsetHeight
// This sets the dimensions on the first render
useLayoutEffect(() => {
}, []);
// every time the window is resized, the timer is cleared and set again
// the net effect is the component will only reset after the window size
// is at rest for the duration set in RESET_TIMEOUT. This prevents rapid
// redrawing of the component for more complex components such as charts
window.addEventListener('resize', ()=>{
movement_timer = setTimeout(test_dimensions, RESET_TIMEOUT);
return (
<div ref={ targetRef }>
<p>{ dimensions.width }</p>
<p>{ dimensions.height }</p>
export default ComponentWithDimensions;
re: window resizing timeout - In my case I'm drawing a dashboard with charts downstream from these values and I found 100ms on RESET_TIMEOUT
seemed to strike a good balance for me between CPU usage and responsiveness. I have no objective data on what's ideal, so I made this a variable.