i'm beginner in php and this is my first time posting a comment.
In MongoDB how do you use Session variable in $set to update a value?
For example, consider a collection school with the following document:
"_id": {
"$oid": "5fb5a71fc930cc7b988b20ca"
"SchoolsState": "JOHOR",
"SchoolsCity": "PONTIAN",
"SchoolsPhoneNo": "11",
I want to do something like the below to update where the SchoolsName == $_SESSION["loggeduser_schoolName"], then change the SchoolsPhoneNo:
if (isset($_POST['EditSchoolFormSubmit']))
$varSchoolsPhoneNo= $_POST['txtSchoolsPhoneNo'];
$schoolname = $_SESSION["loggeduser_schoolName"];
$GoNGetzSmartSchoolFrontEnd= new MongoDBDriverManager($GoNGetzSmartSchoolFrontEndConnectionString);
$bulk = new MongoDBDriverBulkWrite(['ordered' => true]);
$bulk->update(['SchoolsName'=> $schoolname],
['$set' => ['SchoolsPhoneNo'=>$varSchoolsPhoneNo]],
['upsert' => true]
i have tried using this command
$bulk->update(['SchoolsName'=>'KOLEJ TINGKATAN ENAM PONTIAN'],
['$set' => ['SchoolsPhoneNo'=>$varSchoolsPhoneNo]],
['upsert' => true]
it worked very well, but if i use session.. there is no change at all.