If you are using a dynamic view, you can directly access the LATEST
version of a given branch by using the extended path:
cat file@@/main/branch/subbranch/LATEST
If you don't know the exact branch path (parent branches) this version is stored in, you can modify your dynamic view and add first the selection rule
element /path/to/file .../subbranch/LATEST
That will select the LATEST
version of subbranch within the dynamic view.
Or you can do a cleartool find
, in order to see the full extended path for that file:
cleartool find . -name "yourFile" -ver "version(.../subbranch/LATEST)
You will be able to cat
(or type
in Windows) directly the result (which will be the full extended path)
The diea behind the cat
or the cleartool find
is to be able to use the syntax .../subbranch/LATEST
That syntax with the three dots means: '.../subbranch
' whatever branches followed by /subbranch