The best way that i found is to use NSSegmentedControl.
after you dragged it on the canvas, you should configure its style:
Style: Small Square
Mode: Select Momentary
looks better. Now use "image" field to set NSAddTemplate and NSRemoveTemplate. Make sure that label field is empty.
Ok, we have "+", "-" and one empty segment. To prevent the latest one to be selected by the user, select it from Segment: pop up and turn off Enabled check box (located next to State: label).
And lastly, what we have to do is set width of first two segments to make them square.
- Go to Size inspector
- Select Segment 0
- Turn off "Fixed" checkbox (segment should immediately autoresize to fit image)
- Select Segment 1 and repeat number 3
- Now as you resize control, only last segment will change width
- Put it at the bottom of your table view and resize as well.
Enjoy ;)