I have a react project that lets me write notes and show only the important ones for this I am following a course and the course said that I will be using json-server for getting the feel of the database, so I install the json-server gobaly and in my src folder created db.json with the following data:
"notes": [
"id": 1,
"content": "HTML is easy",
"date": "2019-05-30T17:30:31.098Z",
"important": true
"id": 2,
"content": "Browser can execute only JavaScript",
"date": "2019-05-30T18:39:34.091Z",
"important": false
"id": 3,
"content": "GET and POST are the most important methods of HTTP protocol",
"date": "2019-05-30T19:20:14.298Z",
"important": true
now the problem is that when I try to run npx json-server --port 3001 --watch db.json it runs all fine but when I go the localhost:3001/notes it simply return
{ }
can anyone tell why is that and how I can fix it?