I got the following error:
The Error message doesn't really tell me anything, but I also don't see my usage which is a problem. Has anybody encountered this?
Here is how I create my Project (If it doesnt' exist). I basically just copied everything from the documentation.
And after the project is created and I go to the website the error shows up.
public partial class Validation : Page
private const string endpoint = "https://dcd-prediction.cognitiveservices.azure.com/";the portal
private string trainingKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["trainingKey"];
private string predictionKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["predictionkey"];
private List<Tag> tags = new List<Tag>();
private static MemoryStream testImage;
private Iteration iteration;
private string publishedModelName;
private Guid ProjectID = Guid.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["projectKey"]);
Project project = null;
CustomVisionTrainingClient TrainingApi = null;
CustomVisionPredictionClient predictionApi = null;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!this.User.IsInRole("Admin"))
TrainingApi = AuthenticateTraining(endpoint, trainingKey);
project = GetProject(TrainingApi);
UpdateTags(TrainingApi, project);
if (TrainingApi is null || predictionApi is null || project is null)
private Project GetProject(CustomVisionTrainingClient trainingApi)
return trainingApi.GetProject(ProjectID);
return trainingApi.CreateProject("DCD");
private CustomVisionTrainingClient AuthenticateTraining(string endpoint, string trainingKey)
// Create the Api, passing in the training key
CustomVisionTrainingClient trainingApi = new CustomVisionTrainingClient(new Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.CustomVision.Training.ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(trainingKey))
Endpoint = endpoint
return trainingApi;