IMO the best way todo this is to use the package. The author has done all of the required work to get not only directly imported modules but it uses the AST to parse the code for runtime dependencies that a more static analysis would miss.
Worked up a command example to demonstrate:
sfood ./ | sfood-cluster > example.deps
That will generate a basic dependency file of each unique module. For even more detail use:
sfood -r -i ./ | sfood-cluster > example.deps
To walk a tree and find all imports, you can also do this in code:
Please NOTE - The AST chunks of this routine were lifted from the snakefood source which has this copyright: Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Martin Blais. All Rights Reserved.
import os
import compiler
from compiler.ast import Discard, Const
from compiler.visitor import ASTVisitor
def pyfiles(startPath):
r = []
d = os.path.abspath(startPath)
if os.path.exists(d) and os.path.isdir(d):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(d):
for f in files:
n, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
if ext == '.py':
r.append([d, f])
return r
class ImportVisitor(object):
def __init__(self):
self.modules = []
self.recent = []
def visitImport(self, node):
self.recent.extend((x[0], None, x[1] or x[0], node.lineno, 0)
for x in node.names)
def visitFrom(self, node):
modname = node.modname
if modname == '__future__':
return # Ignore these.
for name, as_ in node.names:
if name == '*':
# We really don't know...
mod = (modname, None, None, node.lineno, node.level)
mod = (modname, name, as_ or name, node.lineno, node.level)
def default(self, node):
pragma = None
if self.recent:
if isinstance(node, Discard):
children = node.getChildren()
if len(children) == 1 and isinstance(children[0], Const):
const_node = children[0]
pragma = const_node.value
def accept_imports(self, pragma=None):
self.modules.extend((m, r, l, n, lvl, pragma)
for (m, r, l, n, lvl) in self.recent)
self.recent = []
def finalize(self):
return self.modules
class ImportWalker(ASTVisitor):
def __init__(self, visitor):
self._visitor = visitor
def default(self, node, *args):
ASTVisitor.default(self, node, *args)
def parse_python_source(fn):
contents = open(fn, 'rU').read()
ast = compiler.parse(contents)
vis = ImportVisitor()
compiler.walk(ast, vis, ImportWalker(vis))
return vis.finalize()
for d, f in pyfiles('/Users/bear/temp/foobar'):
print d, f
print parse_python_source(os.path.join(d, f))