My professor asked me to create a google form that will allow students to opt for subjects/topics or recommend a topic of their choice. For example, the form would look like this:
Courses Offered
Professor A
o Topic A1
o Topic A2
Professor B
o Topic B1
o Topic B2
Already recommended
o SomeOtherTopic
Suggest a topic
_________________ (short answer text)
(o here represents radio button for selecting option)
Now, if a student suggests some topic then it should be added under the 'Already Recommended'
section. Also, a professor can volunteer for a recommended topic (if he/she knows about it) and hence the topic should then shift from 'Already Recommended' to the Professors list of offered courses.
I am beginner and have once used google sheets API using gspread. But I have no clue if such dynamic google forms can be created. If they do then is it possible to execute them using python or do I have to learn something new?