In case somebody wants to use a lookup table as @Ethan suggested, here are the 111 predefined gnuplot colors in arrays (taken from the gnuplot manual).
array ColorNames[111] =
['white', 'black', 'dark-grey', 'red', 'web-green', 'web-blue', 'dark-magenta', 'dark-cyan', 'dark-orange', 'dark-yellow',
'royalblue', 'goldenrod', 'dark-spring-green', 'purple', 'steelblue', 'dark-red', 'dark-chartreuse', 'orchid', 'aquamarine', 'brown',
'yellow', 'turquoise', 'grey0', 'grey10', 'grey20', 'grey30', 'grey40', 'grey50', 'grey60', 'grey70',
'grey', 'grey80', 'grey90', 'grey100', 'light-red', 'light-green', 'light-blue', 'light-magenta', 'light-cyan', 'light-goldenrod',
'light-pink', 'light-turquoise', 'gold', 'green', 'dark-green', 'spring-green', 'forest-green', 'sea-green', 'blue', 'dark-blue',
'midnight-blue', 'navy', 'medium-blue', 'skyblue', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'dark-turquoise', 'dark-pink', 'coral', 'light-coral',
'orange-red', 'salmon', 'dark-salmon', 'khaki', 'dark-khaki', 'dark-goldenrod', 'beige', 'olive', 'orange', 'violet',
'dark-violet', 'plum', 'dark-plum', 'dark-olivegreen', 'orangered4', 'brown4', 'sienna4', 'orchid4', 'mediumpurple3', 'slateblue1',
'yellow4', 'sienna1', 'tan1', 'sandybrown', 'light-salmon', 'pink', 'khaki1', 'lemonchiffon', 'bisque', 'honeydew',
'slategrey', 'seagreen', 'antiquewhite', 'chartreuse', 'greenyellow', 'gray', 'light-gray', 'light-grey', 'dark-gray', 'slategray',
'gray0', 'gray10', 'gray20', 'gray30', 'gray40', 'gray50', 'gray60', 'gray70', 'gray80', 'gray90',
array ColorValues[111] =
[0xffffff, 0x000000, 0xa0a0a0, 0xff0000, 0x00c000, 0x0080ff, 0xc000ff, 0x00eeee, 0xc04000, 0xc8c800,
0x4169e1, 0xffc020, 0x008040, 0xc080ff, 0x306080, 0x8b0000, 0x408000, 0xff80ff, 0x7fffd4, 0xa52a2a,
0xffff00, 0x40e0d0, 0x000000, 0x1a1a1a, 0x333333, 0x4d4d4d, 0x666666, 0x7f7f7f, 0x999999, 0xb3b3b3,
0xc0c0c0, 0xcccccc, 0xe5e5e5, 0xffffff, 0xf03232, 0x90ee90, 0xadd8e6, 0xf055f0, 0xe0ffff, 0xeedd82,
0xffb6c1, 0xafeeee, 0xffd700, 0x00ff00, 0x006400, 0x00ff7f, 0x228b22, 0x2e8b57, 0x0000ff, 0x00008b,
0x191970, 0x000080, 0x0000cd, 0x87ceeb, 0x00ffff, 0xff00ff, 0x00ced1, 0xff1493, 0xff7f50, 0xf08080,
0xff4500, 0xfa8072, 0xe9967a, 0xf0e68c, 0xbdb76b, 0xb8860b, 0xf5f5dc, 0xa08020, 0xffa500, 0xee82ee,
0x9400d3, 0xdda0dd, 0x905040, 0x556b2f, 0x801400, 0x801414, 0x804014, 0x804080, 0x8060c0, 0x8060ff,
0x808000, 0xff8040, 0xffa040, 0xffa060, 0xffa070, 0xffc0c0, 0xffff80, 0xffffc0, 0xcdb79e, 0xf0fff0,
0xa0b6cd, 0xc1ffc1, 0xcdc0b0, 0x7cff40, 0xa0ff20, 0xbebebe, 0xd3d3d3, 0xd3d3d3, 0xa0a0a0, 0xa0b6cd,
0x000000, 0x1a1a1a, 0x333333, 0x4d4d4d, 0x666666, 0x7f7f7f, 0x999999, 0xb3b3b3, 0xcccccc, 0xe5e5e5,
for what it's worth, just for completeness and illustration...
Below some code to generate an overview about the predefined gnuplot colors.
Edit: code cleaned up and modified that it will also work with gnuplot 4.6 (no arrays and bitshift at that time).
### display all predefined gnuplot colors, gnuplot >=4.6.0
set term wxt size 1000,700 enhanced # or change to another terminal
ColorNames = '
white black dark-grey red web-green web-blue dark-magenta dark-cyan dark-orange dark-yellow
royalblue goldenrod dark-spring-green purple steelblue dark-red dark-chartreuse orchid aquamarine brown
yellow turquoise grey0 grey10 grey20 grey30 grey40 grey50 grey60 grey70
grey grey80 grey90 grey100 light-red light-green light-blue light-magenta light-cyan light-goldenrod
light-pink light-turquoise gold green dark-green spring-green forest-green sea-green blue dark-blue
midnight-blue navy medium-blue skyblue cyan magenta dark-turquoise dark-pink coral light-coral
orange-red salmon dark-salmon khaki dark-khaki dark-goldenrod beige olive orange violet
dark-violet plum dark-plum dark-olivegreen orangered4 brown4 sienna4 orchid4 mediumpurple3 slateblue1
yellow4 sienna1 tan1 sandybrown light-salmon pink khaki1 lemonchiffon bisque honeydew
slategrey seagreen antiquewhite chartreuse greenyellow gray light-gray light-grey dark-gray slategray
gray0 gray10 gray20 gray30 gray40 gray50 gray60 gray70 gray80 gray90
ColorValues = '
0xffffff 0x000000 0xa0a0a0 0xff0000 0x00c000 0x0080ff 0xc000ff 0x00eeee 0xc04000 0xc8c800
0x4169e1 0xffc020 0x008040 0xc080ff 0x306080 0x8b0000 0x408000 0xff80ff 0x7fffd4 0xa52a2a
0xffff00 0x40e0d0 0x000000 0x1a1a1a 0x333333 0x4d4d4d 0x666666 0x7f7f7f 0x999999 0xb3b3b3
0xc0c0c0 0xcccccc 0xe5e5e5 0xffffff 0xf03232 0x90ee90 0xadd8e6 0xf055f0 0xe0ffff 0xeedd82
0xffb6c1 0xafeeee 0xffd700 0x00ff00 0x006400 0x00ff7f 0x228b22 0x2e8b57 0x0000ff 0x00008b
0x191970 0x000080 0x0000cd 0x87ceeb 0x00ffff 0xff00ff 0x00ced1 0xff1493 0xff7f50 0xf08080
0xff4500 0xfa8072 0xe9967a 0xf0e68c 0xbdb76b 0xb8860b 0xf5f5dc 0xa08020 0xffa500 0xee82ee
0x9400d3 0xdda0dd 0x905040 0x556b2f 0x801400 0x801414 0x804014 0x804080 0x8060c0 0x8060ff
0x808000 0xff8040 0xffa040 0xffa060 0xffa070 0xffc0c0 0xffff80 0xffffc0 0xcdb79e 0xf0fff0
0xa0b6cd 0xc1ffc1 0xcdc0b0 0x7cff40 0xa0ff20 0xbebebe 0xd3d3d3 0xd3d3d3 0xa0a0a0 0xa0b6cd
0x000000 0x1a1a1a 0x333333 0x4d4d4d 0x666666 0x7f7f7f 0x999999 0xb3b3b3 0xcccccc 0xe5e5e5
# get R,G,B components
R(Color) = (Color & 0xff0000)/0x10000
G(Color) = (Color & 0x00ff00)/0x100
B(Color) = (Color & 0xff)
PosX(i) = int(i)%10
PosY(i) = floor(i/10.)*10
ColorName(i) = word(ColorNames,int(i))
ColorValue(i) = int(word(ColorValues,int(i)))
ColorValueLabel(i) = sprintf('#%06x',ColorValue(i))
# "empirical" formula do decide whether using a white or a black label on the colored background
ColorLabelColor(c) = (R(c) + G(c)*1.5 + B(c)*0.5)/3. > 127 ? 0x000000 : 0xffffff
set title "Predefined colors in gnuplot" font ",18"
set xrange[-0.5:9.5]
set x2range[-0.5:9.5]
set xtics 1
set x2tics 1
set yrange[119:-5]
set y2range[119:-5]
set ytics 10
set y2tics 10
set style fill solid 1.0 border lc rgb "black"
set samples 111
unset key
plot '+' u (c=$0+1,PosX(c)):(PosY(c)):(0.4):(2.5):(ColorValue(c)) w boxxy lc rgb var,
'+' u (c=$0+1,PosX(c)):(PosY(c)+4.2):(ColorName(c)) w labels,
'+' u (c=$0+1,PosX(c)):(PosY(c)):(ColorValueLabel(c)):(ColorLabelColor(ColorValue(c)))
w labels tc rgb var font "Courier Bold,10"
### end of code