You need to know the library name and class name to make things work properly. Assume you know both, the below example will instantiate the TestClass
and call doStuff
on it.
library test;
import "dart:mirrors";
class TestClass {
doStuff() => print("doStuff was called!");
main() {
MirrorSystem mirrors = currentMirrorSystem();
LibraryMirror lm = mirrors.libraries['test'];
ClassMirror cm = lm.classes['TestClass'];
Future tcFuture = cm.newInstance('', []);
tcFuture.then((InstanceMirror im) {
var tc = im.reflectee;
A few notes about this solution:
- The library
we are trying to load the class from is already imported in the VM, which makes this case a bit easier.
- the call the
allows for passing parameters to the constructor. Positional arguments are implemented, but named parameters are not yet implemented (as of the M2 release).
returns a Future to allow it to work across isolates.