While default Java8 clock does not provide nanoseconds resolution, you can combine it with Java ability to measure time differences with nanoseconds resolution, thus creating an actual nanosecond-capable clock.
public class NanoClock extends Clock
private final Clock clock;
private final long initialNanos;
private final Instant initialInstant;
public NanoClock()
public NanoClock(final Clock clock)
this.clock = clock;
initialInstant = clock.instant();
initialNanos = getSystemNanos();
public ZoneId getZone()
return clock.getZone();
public Instant instant()
return initialInstant.plusNanos(getSystemNanos() - initialNanos);
public Clock withZone(final ZoneId zone)
return new NanoClock(clock.withZone(zone));
private long getSystemNanos()
return System.nanoTime();
Using it is straightforward: just provide extra parameter to Instant.now(), or call Clock.instant() directly:
final Clock clock = new NanoClock();
final Instant instant = Instant.now(clock);
Although this solution might work even if you re-create NanoClock instances every time, it's always better to stick with a stored clock initialized early in your code, then used wherever it's needed.