Because RJS doesn't want to check the answer i suggested to him, here is it from this post:
A common pitfall is to forget that json_encode() does not respect elements with a textvalue and attribute(s). It will choose one of those, meaning dataloss. The function below solves that problem. If one decides to go for the json_encode/decode way, the following function is advised.
function json_prepare_xml( $domNode ){
foreach( $domNode->childNodes as $node)
if($node->hasChildNodes()) json_prepare_xml($node);
if( $domNode->hasAttributes() && strlen($domNode->nodeValue) ){
$domNode->setAttribute("nodeValue", $node->textContent );
$node->nodeValue = "";
return $node;
$dom->loadXML( file_get_contents($xmlfile) );
$sxml = simplexml_load_string( $dom->saveXML() );
$json = json_decode( json_encode( $sxml ) ) );
by doing so, <foo bar="3">Lorem</foo>
will not end up as {"foo":"Lorem"}
in your JSON.