You could extract the columns from the base table via PRAGMA table_info (<yourtable>)
String sqlstr = " PRAGMA table_info (" + table_name + ")";
Cursor csr = db.rawQuery(sqlstr, null);
The resultant cusors has rows with columns :-
cid (rowid)
name (name of the column)
type (column type e.g. INTEGER)
notnull (0 if can be null)
dflt_value (default value if one)
pk (0 if not part of the primary key otherwise 1,2... if part of the primary key)
You could then build the SQL from this.
Another alternative could be to extract the SQL used to create the table via :-
SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='<yourtable>'
You could then alter the resultant SQL, changing the base table name to the new table name.
A third option is to copy the table using something like
CREATE TABLE newtable AS SELECT * FROM basetable WHERE 0
However, this isn't a full comprehensive copy of the structure, e.g. primary keys aren't created.