when I try to call the changeProfile function, I keep getting the error "getAuthCode is not defined" even though it is clearly defined. Why do I keep getting this error? What am I doing wrong? It used to work from what I remember, but now all of a sudden it doesn't. Any help would be appreciated :)
import os,re,json,socket,random,select,threading,time,sys
import urllib.request as urlreq
from urllib.request import quote,unquote
import urllib.parse
class miscellanous:
"""Main class."""
def __init__():
"""What to do on initalizing."""
def getAuthCode(u, p):
"""Get authentification code from username and password specified."""
data=urllib.request.urlopen('http://chatango.com/login',urllib.parse.urlencode({'user_id': u, 'password': p, 'storecookie': 'on', 'checkerrors': 'yes'}).encode()).headers
except Exception as e: print("Error: Auth request: %s" % e)
for x, y in data.items():
if x.lower() == 'set-cookie':
returned = re.compile(r"auth.chatango.com ?= ?([^;]*)", re.IGNORECASE).search(y)
if returned:
ret = returned.group(1)
if ret == "": raise ValueError("Error: Unable to get auth: Error in username/password.")
return ret
def createAccount(u, p):
"""Create an account with the username and password specified."""
resp=urllib.request.urlopen("http://chatango.com/signupdir", urllib.parse.urlencode({"email": "accmaker"+str(random.randrange(1,1000000000000))+"@hotmail.com", "login": u, "password": p, "password_confirm": p, "storecookie": "on", "checkerrors": "yes"}).encode())
if "screen name has been" in fu: r = "Error: User could not be created: Already exists."
else: r = "The user was created. If it didn't work, try another username."
return r
except: return "Error: Invalid or missing arguments."
def createGroup(u, p, g, d="Description.", m="Owner message."):
"""Creates a group with the username, password, group name, description and owner message specified."""
g=g.replace(" ","-")
resp=urllib.request.urlopen("http://chatango.com/creategrouplogin",urllib.parse.urlencode({"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0", "uns": "0", "p": p, "lo": u, "d": d, "u": g, "n": m}).encode())
if "groupexists" in fu: r = "Error: Group could not be created: Already exists."
else: r = "The group was created. If it didn't work, try another group name. Click <a href='http://%s.chatango.com/' target='_blank'>[[here]]<a> to get to the new group."
return r
except: return "Error: Invalid or missing arguments."
def changeProfile(u, p, m="Default", e="accmaker"+str(random.randrange(1,1000000000000))+"@hotmail.com", l="Norway", g="M", a="18"):
resp = urlreq.urlopen('http://'+u.lower()+'.chatango.com/updateprofile?&d&pic&s='+getAuthCode(u, p), urllib.parse.urlencode({"show_friends": "checked", "dir": "checked", "checkerrors": "yes", "uns": "1", "line": m, "email": e, "location": l, "gender": g, "age": a}).encode())
return "The profile change was successful."
except Exception as e:
return "%s" % e
def checkOnlineStatus(u):
"""Check if the predefined username is online or offline."""
if "Chat with" in urlreq.urlopen("http://"+u.lower()+".chatango.com").read().decode(): return '<b><font color="#00ff00">Online</font></b>'
else: return "<b><font color='#ff0000'>Offline</font></b>"
def checkUserGender(u):
"""Get the gender for the predefined username."""
resp=urlreq.urlopen("http://st.chatango.com/profileimg/%s/%s/%s/mod1.xml" % (u.lower()[0], u.lower()[1], u.lower()))
try: ru=re.compile(r'<s>(.*?)</s>', re.IGNORECASE).search(resp.read().decode()).group(1)
except: ru="?"
if ret=="M": r="Male"
elif ret=="F": r="Female"
elif ret=="?": r="Not specified"
return r
def changeBackGround(u, p, x, transparency=None):
"""Update the user's bg using the predefined username, password and bg color."""
try: image=x.split()[1]
except: image=None
if color and len(color)==1:
if color and len(color)==3:
elif color and len(color)!=6:
return False
if transparency!=None and abs(transparency)>1:
transparency = abs(transparency) / 100
data=urllib.request.urlopen("http://fp.chatango.com/profileimg/%s/%s/%s/msgbg.xml" % (u[0], u[1], u.lower())).read().decode()
data=dict([x.replace('"', '').split("=") for x in re.findall('(w+=".*?")', data)[1:]])
if color: data["bgc"] = color
if transparency!=None: data["bgalp"]=abs(transparency) * 100
if image!=None: data["useimg"]=1 if bool(image) else 0
der=urllib.request.urlopen("http://chatango.com/updatemsgbg", data13).read()
def checkIfGroupExists(g):
"""Check if the predefined group exists."""
i = urlreq.urlopen('http://'+g+'.chatango.com').read().decode()
if '<table id="group_table"' in i: return True#"This chat does exist!"
else: return False#"This chat doesn't exist."
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