So, at first you need to get a list of the available objects. You can use the following code to create a generic dictionary that keeps a stopwatch for every object you have. There is also a sample implementation of a method that generates a gazing survey.
You still have to add the code that calls the start and stop methods.
class Program
static Dictionary<object, Stopwatch> stopwatchesByObject;
static void Main(string[] args)
List<object> objects = new List<object>();
// now you have to fill the objects list...
stopwatchesByObject = new Dictionary<object, Stopwatch>();
foreach (var o in objects)
stopwatchesByObject.Add(o, new Stopwatch());
// Call this method when the user starts gazing at object o
static void StartGazingAt(object o)
// Call this method when the user stops gazing at object o
static void StopGazingAt(object o)
static void CreateStatistics()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var entry in stopwatchesByObject)
sb.AppendLine($"Gazed at {entry.Key.ToString()} for {entry.Value.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds.");
File.WriteAllText("c:\temp\statictics.txt", sb.ToString());