There are two different approaches you could take here.
Turbolinks - This will refresh a little more than what it sounds like you want, but if you are doing this kind of thing a lot, you may want to take a read.
Manually using ajax requests using the following approach:
A. Add the following gem to your Gemfile
B. Include this in your JS. e.g. In your JavaScript file, load it by including the following:
//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
C: Update your link to include remote: true:
<%= link_to 'New page', page_path, remote: true %>
D: Add a respond to js in your controller. e.g.:
def action_name
respond_to do |format|
E: Create a new file named action_name.js.erb in your views. You can then place any javascript code within this file. So you can target a specific element on the page and replace it with a partial.
$("#id_of_element_on_page").html("<%= escape_javascript(render(partial: 'page_content', locals: { project: @project })) %>");
That's pretty much it, when you now click on the link, you app should send an ajax request and you should get the rendered javascript in the response which in turn should update the element on the page you wish to replace.