It's quite simple if in your Student
entity you add a property of type NSDate
like createdAt
When you insert a new Student
, you need to pass the current date for that property.
[aStudent setValue:[NSDate date] forKey:@"createdAt"];
aStudent.createdAt = [NSDate date];
if you have created a subclass of Entity
Once done, you can fetch against Student
using a limit of 1 and a sort descriptor with ascending value NO
NSFetchRequest* request = [NSFecthRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName:@"Student"];
[request setFetchLimit:1];
NSSortDescriptor *sortDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"createdAt" ascending:NO];
NSArray *sortDescriptors = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:sortDescriptor, nil];
[request setSortDescriptors:sortDescriptors];
NSError *error;
NSArray *results = [context executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];
NSManagedObject *latestAddedStudent = [results objectAtIndex:0];
Hope that helps.