You can't really overwrite a file in Google Drive. (Not that I am aware of.)
Each file has its own unique ID which means the name of the file is kind of irrelevant. (When attempting to override a file in the Windows Explorer terminology.)
That being said I have used this in the past to move files using Google App Script. Hope it helps:
//Get the ID of the Destination Folder
var destinationFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById("Your Folder ID");
//Create a copy of the Merged Sheets Temp and move to the Desitnation Folder.
DriveApp.getFileById(FileToMove.getId()).makeCopy("Give the File a name", destinationFolder);
//Move Merged Sheets Temp to Trash
var tempMergeDocument = DriveApp.getFileById(FileToMove.getId()).setTrashed(true)